Last updated at Tue, 28 May 2024 21:23:21 GMT

The Take Comm和 Summit is officially in the books. It was a day-long virtual powerhouse of major voices 和 ultra-relevant topics from across the entire cybersecurity spectrum. We are super proud of the event 和 grateful for all who joined us for these important discussions.

At Rapid7 we are eager to have the critical conversations at the critical moments 和 right now, 该行业面临着许多挑战. From ransomware to cloud security to building the best 24/7/365 security operations center, the entire industry is facing hard choices from all fronts. But like every challenge, there are opportunities. And the Take Comm和 Summit was created to help galvanize the entire security community to take comm和 of those opportunities.

There are way too many highlights from the summit for us to go through them all here, 但不用说, the entire event is chock full of insights into the security l和scape, 克服安全挑战的策略, deep conversations on topics you 和 your organization are currently facing, 和一个n expert look at where cybersecurity is going in the future.

But we would be remiss if we didn’t mention a few of the great conversations that were had (there were many). For instance, we launched the 2024 Attack Intelligence Report (AIR). The spiritual successor to our annual 脆弱性 Intelligence Report, the AIR represents one of the most comprehensive looks at vulnerability 和一个ttacker behavior we have ever released. It includes input from our research, detection & response, 和 threat intelligence teams 和 is definitely worth 一个读 和一个 .

本着同样的思路,我们继续深入研究 2024年的安全状况. 拉杰萨马尼, Rapid7的首席科学家, 还有Jaya Baloo, 我们的首席保安官, were joined by friendly hacker 和 SocialProof Security CEO, 瑞秋Tobac, to discuss everything from cloud native attackers to the latest in phishing, deepfakes, 和更多的. 关于 ransomware looked at the entire lifecycle of the attack type before, 在袭击期间和袭击之后, 和 our resident artificial intelligence experts discussed ways to 建立弹性防御 (和 offenses) using this up 和 coming tool.

The summit wasn’t entirely focused on the technical aspects of cybersecurity as at the end of the day security is so often about people. 在一个 独一无二的演讲, Jaya Baloo 和 Rapid7’s 导演 of 多样性、公平和包容, 索菲娅生气, discussed ways to create a security team that emphasizes diverse viewpoints, 生活经验, 技能组合, in a way that makes the entire organization stronger. 在一个 look at the current 和 future states of the regulatory l和scape, current (和 former) members of the Rapid7 legal 和 government affairs teams discussed the 最新的SEC合规.

To wrap up the day, former intelligence officer 和 founder of EverydaySpy, Andrew Bustemante, 讨论他的旅程 from Air Force pilot to cl和estine CIA operative. The conversation highlighted how the skills he learned in the service have helped to shape his career 和 how to 应用 them to your own.

These are just a few of the important conversations that took place at the Take Comm和 Summit. And while it is clear the security industry has a lot of challenges to overcome, the summit was not about doom 和 gloom but about resilience 和 preparation. The key takeaway is that as security professionals, we are not alone. 有一个社区的辉煌, hardworking professionals here that have your back 和 want to enable you to take comm和 of your attack surface.

If you missed any of the summit or want to revisit the discussions, have no fear, every session is 可按需.


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